Communicable Disease and Pandemic Preparedness

Course Name: Communicable Disease and Pandemic Preparedness

Catalog Course # CAT36


This course will review the top communicable diseases in the world and how they relate to the chiropractic office locally.  It will broaden the understanding of epidemics and pandemics with an emphasis on influenza.  The second hour of the course is designed to teach preparedness, planning and training in the event of a pandemic.  Also covered are employee safety, OSHA workplace hazard controls, work-related illness, and injury reporting, and safety planning and training.

This 2-hour course is broken into 1-hour sections.  All lesson quizzes are multiple choice.  There are 8 possible points for this course.  Each quiz consists of 4 questions designed to test knowledge of the lesson, objectives, and section goals.  Students must successfully answer 3 of the 4 questions correctly to receive a completion for that individual section.  Students must attain an overall score of 6 out of 8, which is equivalent to 75% or better to pass the course.  Students will be allowed to retake each section quiz after re-studying the course material for a minimum of 5 minutes.  Each section has a multiple-choice test, there are 8 possible points for this course.

Learning Objectives

1.    Identify the top 10 communicable diseases presently in the world.

2.    Define the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic

3.    Explain the significance of how the influence virus mutates.

4.    Recognize signs, symptoms, referral and reporting of disease.

5.    Understand the historical significance of past outbreaks.

6.    Communicate to both patient and staff the importance and use of proper personal protective equipment, hygiene, and vaccinations.

7.    Create procedures that utilize OSHA safety standards and control hazards in their office.

8.    Known how to fill out Form 300 for occupational illness and injury

9.    Explain the difference between a mask and the various types of respirators.

10.  Recognize the importance of preparation in the event of a pandemic or natural disaster.

11.  Design procedures and a plan for their office and create a pandemic survival kit.


PACE #129

California Chiropractic Board of Examiners #

NVCPB # NV26-000

Price: $40