SD Initial Chiropractic Assistant Training

Course Name: SD Initial Chiropractic Assistant Training

Catalog Course # CAT17


This 20-hour online course provides initial training for students wanting to be a chiropractic assistant in South Dakota.  This course teaches students about chiropractic principles, professional standards, history taking, medical charting, insurance 101 with coding, spinal anatomy, and diagnostic studies.  Students will develop the skills necessary to develop X-Rays, performing vital signs and physiotherapy procedures and modalities including ultrasound, EMS, IFC, traction, heat, cryotherapy, and light therapies.  Students will learn how to take range of motion measurements and demonstrate and assist patients with passive, active and resisted therapeutic exercise, post-isometric relaxation and neuromuscular reeducation with an emphasis on structural management of postural conditions.

This 20-hour course is broken into 1-hour sections.  All lesson quizzes are multiple choice.  There are 80 possible points for this course.  Each quiz consists of 4 questions designed to test knowledge of the lesson, objectives, and section goals.  Students must successfully answer 3 of the 4 questions correctly to receive a completion for that individual section.  Students must attain an overall score of 60 out of 80, which is equivalent to 75% or better to pass the course.  Students will be allowed to retake each section quiz after re-studying the course material for a minimum of 5 minutes.  Each section has a multiple-choice test, there are 80 possible points for this course.

Learning Objectives

1.    Develop front desk skills, including telephone etiquette, listening and communication

2.    Phone skills and new patient scripting

3.    Identify and learn procedures for scheduling & management of patient flow, color coding of Appointment Book, Cluster Booking, Multiple Booking and Recall Procedures and Scripts

4.    Develop an Understanding of Front Desk Procedures for First Day Procedures Including New Patient Check Lists, Second Day Or Report Of Findings Procedures Including Asking For Referrals

5.    Clarify the Differences Between Law and Ethics, State Laws for Chiropractic Assistants, Doctor Conduct, CA Conduct, Patient Conduct and Unprofessional Conduct

6.    Explore Chiropractic History and a D.C.’s Education, Learn Chiropractic Terminology

7.    Learn Spinal Anatomy: Bones, Vertebrae, Spine, Ligaments and Discs

8.    Identify Spinal Anatomy Common Anterior and Posterior Muscles.  Learn how to Palpate the Vertebrae, Discuss Spinal Pain Syndromes, Myotomes, Dermatomes and Psychosomatic Disorders

9.    Develop Communication Skills Including Personal Boundary Issues, Active Listening, Body Language and Matching and Mirroring

10.  Discuss Interview Stages, Assist the C.A. in Understanding Informed Consent, Learn the key components of a Patient History.  Broaden Understanding of Special Circumstances that Require Additional History Taking Skills Such As-Motor Vehicle Accidents or Work Injuries

11.  Discuss the Purpose of Notes and Learn how to write a note using the ACRONYM (S.O.A.P.) for charting.  Learn Techniques for Medical Documentation.  Understand Why Certain Information is Pertinent Information and Necessary to Acquire from the Patient

12.  Learn how to set up a medical file, develop skills for performing an insurance verification. Learn Insurance Billing Terminology, Broaden the C.A.’s understanding of electronic billing, identify the components of a medical necessity / appeal letter

13.  Identify and discuss various radiographic studies /diagnostics. 

14.  Develop an X-Ray

15.  Perform vital signs

16.  Define physiotherapy & the scope of physical therapeutics

17.  Discuss the physiology of healing & repair and clinic maintenance. 

18.  Perform the following modalities

a.    Ultrasound both surface and underwater

b.    Low Volt electric muscle stimulation

c.     High Volt electric muscle stimulation

d.    Interferential current

e.    Hot packs, Paraffin, Infrared, Diathermy, Fluidotherapy.

f.      Cryotherapy, ice packs, ice massage, cryostim probes and Vapocoolant spray

g.    Traction, pneumatic, intersegmental and decompression 

19.  Learn how to perform both passive and active cervical and lumbar R.O.M

20.  Understand the concepts of passive, active and resisted exercises

21.  Learn how to teach and demonstrate cervical and lumbar stretching and strengthening exercises


PACE #807

Price: $275