Physiotherapy I

Course Name: Physiotherapy I

Catalog Course # CAT16

CE's: 6 Hours


The course provides an overview of PT, PT Equipment and the physiology of healing, clinic maintenance, and safety measures.   It will prepare students for performing the following modalities: therapeutic ultrasound, high voltage, and low voltage electric muscle stimulation, interferential current, traction, decompression, massage, superficial heat, cryotherapy, and light therapy.  

This 6-hour course is broken into 1-hour sections.  All lesson quizzes are multiple-choice.  There are 24 possible points for this course.  Each quiz consists of 4 questions designed to test knowledge of the lesson, objectives, and section goals.  Students must successfully answer 3 of the 4 questions correctly to receive completion for that individual section.  Students must attain an overall score of 18 out of 24 which is equivalent to 75% or better to pass the course.  Students will be allowed to retake each section quiz after re-studying the course material for a minimum of 5 minutes.  Each section has a multiple-choice test, there are 24 possible points for this course.   

Learning Objectives

1.    Define and understand physiotherapy and the scope of physical therapeutics

2.    Discuss the physiology of healing and repair

3.    Use safety standards to protect themselves and patients with regards to maintenance of clinic equipment, patient modesty, gowning, and draping

4.    Position patients on the table supine, prone, and on their side

5.    Identify physiotherapy tools, instrumentation, and various modalities

6.    Assist with patient education and home health care devices, application, and monitoring of home care or referral compliance

7.    Identify indications and contraindications for each type of therapy

8.    Document therapy properly

9.    Perform safely the following modalities/therapy

a.     Ultrasound (surface and underwater)

b.     Electric muscle stimulation (low volt, high volt, interferential current)

c.     Thermal (heat) modalities (hot pack, paraffin)

d.     Cryotherapy (contrast bath, ice pack, ice massage)

e.     Manual therapy, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy

f.      Traction and decompression

g. Low-level light laser (cold laser)


PACE # 134

NVCPB #NV26-000

Price: $99